Meeting of the Presbytery

On Saturday May 4, our congregation hosted the Spring meeting of the Presbytery of Utah.  We welcomed pastors and elders from more than 20 congregations across Utah (and Preston, Idaho) on a beautiful sunny morning.  Those who attended were greeted with an amazing continental breakfast at registration time.

The meeting opened with introductions of first-time attendees, and moved right into a time of praise and worship.  Rev. Derek Forbes from First Presbyterian Church in Logan preached from John 21—a fish breakfast on the shore with the risen Jesus—and we shared our Lord’s Supper together.

Our education time was facilitated by our moderator this year, Lloyda Kyremes.  She shared how the Presbyterian Church, USA has been responding to the Doctrine of Discovery, a decree from the Roman Catholic Church in response to Columbus’ journey to the Americas, which stated that any non-Christian peoples discovered in these lands would have no right to hold property.  This doctrine, sadly, informed much of the often damaging interaction between white settlers and Native American peoples, including the Presbyterian Church’s attempts to convert and educate Native peoples in the land that is now known as the United States. 

As a way to hear more fully how this Doctrine of Discovery had an impact on Native peoples, Pat Laramee shared with us a bit of her family’s history—from her grandparents’ land being taken from them, to her parents’ experiences with education and church, to her own experiences in both the public education system and the Intermountain Indian School.  Pat spoke eloquently for about fifteen minutes, and completely captured the attention of all who heard her story.  Thank you, Pat.  Beautifully done!

Lunch was hot sandwiches, salads, chips and desserts.  You will not be surprised to know that people thoroughly enjoyed the bountiful spread.  Pastor Laura heard many comments about the great food and amazing hospitality. 

During the business meeting we moved Rev. Mike Imperiale (from First Pres. Salt Lake City) to Honorably Retired status.  Mike has been here in Utah for 18 years, and serving as a pastor for 35 years.  Well done, good and faithful servant!

Thanks so very much to all who helped us host this meeting of our friends and colleagues in ministry.  From those who made sure our facilities were in tip-top shape, to those who assisted with music and the sound system, to those who helped folks register, those who prepared and served the food, and finally, to those who helped to clean up after the big event, your service was a beautiful expression of welcome!

Thank you!